Children's Church

Restoration Outreach Kids is where we have great teaching, fun games and big encounters with God! We are passionate about leading and equipping the next generation with a love for Jesus and His Church. Our children’s ministry delivers a wonderful experience that is sure to wow your students while also teaching them the principles of God’s word. We desire to show these children how the Bible applies to their daily lives at school, with friends, and in their families.


9 Months - 5th Grade


Our volunteer care providers are excited to spend time playing games, reading Bible stories, and leading music time with your child. In addition, our Kids Team utilizes interactive activities, games, crafts, and songs to help the children apply the lesson.

Safety & Security

As a parent/guardian, we want you to feel confident about the safety of your child while you are here at Restoration Outreach Church. To help ensure this, our facility utilizes the check-in/out system of every child, Infant-5th.

This will ensure that the right child is leaving with the correct parent/guardian.

We have great volunteers in our program and prior to serving, all our Team Volunteers are carefully screened, trained and undergo a background check.

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We would love for you to be our guest at Restoration Outreach Ministries on a Sunday morning very soon! Making a first-time visit to a church can be a little overwhelming. We know that you may have a ton of questions regarding your visit, from kids ministries to attire. Our goal is to create a worship environment that your whole family will enjoy from the moment you arrive. We have family-friendly worship for all age groups, great worship songs, and Biblical teaching. We love meeting first-time guests and look forward to seeing you this Sunday!